Above Sofa Wall Art

Above Sofa Wall Art

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<img src="https://thebestwoodfurniture.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/Wall-Art-Sofa-Living.jpg" alt="Above Sofa Wall Art"><br><p style="text-align:center"><a href="https://thebestwoodfurniture.com/how-to-arrange-a-large-living-room/wall-art-sofa-living/" target="_blank">Above Sofa Wall Art</a> - TheBestWoodFurniture.com</p>

Gallery with other Above Sofa Wall Art

Above Sofa Wall Art

If you want pictures to be placed perfectly, forget about hanging them too high. The higher your arts will be attached, the less proportion will have the room. Picture should be hung nearly 12 inches above the piece of furniture, thus it will work. In order to prevent a bounded feeling, always leave a small gap between your furniture and your art.

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