Modern Living Room Coffee Table: 8 Unique Decor Ideas

The main thing that completes any living room is a perfectly chosen modern living room coffee table which will make the room feel and look whole. After purchasing coffee table you might notice that the space is not complete and even may look awkward and incomplete. The reason for that may become that empty table standing in the center of the space. There is a list of few general ideas and techniques that designers advise to use. Of course, if you want, you may add your own ideas for modern living room coffee table tops or twist designs to suit best your décor.

Modern Living Room Coffee Table Ideas

  1. Fresh flowers. Surely, almost all people enjoy flowers. Thus, flowers can become the great decoration placed on modern living room coffee table and focal point that will stand out in any décor. Using flowers that match the other elements of décor is a good idea if you want to make the room look cohesive.
  2. Interesting vases. Flowers never must have eye-catching or vibrant colors, and look interesting in order to create the décor you want. One more option how to decorate a round glass coffee table is using sculptural vases or unusual containers.
  3. Potted plants. Comparing to fresh flowers, potted plants are far more permanent and long lasting. So it is a great idea to find a suitable plant which will not grow too large in couple years. Otherwise later you will need to replace it and start searching for suitable plant again.
  4. Succulents or small plants. Decorative modern living room coffee table usually do not have too much place for big vases and bulky decorations. Use succulents or small plants to make the table look pretty and nice. You can match two or three planters to make the table look beautiful and fresh.
  5. Decorative candles. Candles are universal when talking about living room decorating. Nice living room tables can be decorated as much successfully as fireplace mantel. With such accessories the living room will be full of cozy and warm atmosphere.
  6. Unique candleholders or votives. Sometimes the appearance of the candleholder is more important than candle itself. Use your inspiration, fantasy or simply choose one of the most beautiful and suitable candleholders.
  7. Using trays for grouping candles. Trays are very useful for grouping things or organizing them the way to save space on a modern living room coffee table. Want the installation to look more dynamic and interesting – use candles of all sizes and heights.
  8. Magazines and books. Actually it is normal to see books and magazines stacked on the coffee table. This will be a great idea especially for those who prefer to browse magazines or read interesting books when relaxing. Another reason to put some literature in the living room – letting your guests to have something to look at while they are waiting for you.
There are dozens of other option you can choose for decorating your modern living room coffee table, like small sculptures, decorative containers, glass ornaments, etc. Choose one to your taste and the entire style of the living room.
Modern Living Room Coffee Table: 8 Unique Decor Ideas updated: June 10, 2021 by author: Ana White

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